Still learning my K3. CW Text Decode works flawlessly on W1AW bulletins and code practice [OK, visual decode on code practice is sort of oxymoronic]. Quality of decode seems to be very sensitive to the THR setting, but when you get it right, it is nearly perfect. Not so perfect on "real hams," but not bad. Unfortunately, except for record traffic which I rarely do anymore, it is distracting to copying in my head, so I won't be using that feature much.

Couldn't find any RTTY stations on to test AFSK.

PSK31 was very good, once the old ham read the manual.

Haven't tried the CW to Data mode yet, I'm sure it works, just one thing at a time.

Firmware 2.10 has made a huge improvement in NR. Not sure if it was supposed to change NB, but that's better too.

This is a cool radio!


Fred K6DGW
- Northern California Contest Club
- CU in the 2008 Cal QSO Party  4-5 Oct 08
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