
Thanks for the confirmation. I have spectrum lab - will take a look after
FD. I also think the level drops several db (to the ear) as the filter
switches from 150hz to 100hz, most noticable on weaker sigs. 



You may be on to something. Using the 100 Hz FIR filter and injecting
a steady carrier, I looked at the receiver output using Spectrum Lab.
I observed multiple spurious tones, 2 of which are only 15 dB down
from the desired signal. The freq spread between the desired signal
and the 1st spur is 2x the difference between the signal and filter
center, so you have zero beat at filter center. And so on.  Take a
look at it with an audio spectrum analyzer, it's interesting. Zero
beat with the other -15 dB spur is at the upper filter skirt.

The result is the same for the 50 Hz filter, but the 50 and 100 Hz IIR
filters are squeaky clean under the same conditions.

Subjectively speaking, when listening to on air signals, the signal
starts to sound bad to my ears as you tune it close to the upper
filter edge zero beat point, but within 20 Hz of filter center the
effect seems subtle, and easily overlooked. However, viewed on the
spec an, it's clear that something isn't quite right.

I observe no such problem with ver 1.78 FIR filters under the same

Maybe someone else can take a look at this.

Bob NW8L

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