On Fri, 4 Jul 2008 08:07:04 -0700 (PDT), Tom Carney wrote:

>I just use a cheap PC headset.  Works fine, no soldering.  Just plug it in
>the back jacks and set the mike for bias.

Yes. Several years ago, I bought five Plantronics computer headset/mic 
combos at a hamfest, and made connector adapters so I could use them with 
my ham rigs. All were different -- I suspect they were product samples. All 
worked fine and produced very clean competitive audio with every radio that 
I hooked them up to, including a K2, TS850, and IC746. I paid about $25 for 
all five. Unless you're feeling rich, you don't need a Heil headset! 


Jim K9YC

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