I just completed a cw qso on 80m. Static is running 10 - 20 db over S9 tonight. There is nearly 1000 miles between us and the other station was using a magnetic loop antenna for transmitting made from 18ft. of copper pipe, 3ft. above the ground. Using the K3 under these conditions was rough. I tried every filter and NR setting and kept having trouble with static pumping the agc and blipping out letters. AGC fast or slow made no difference. I then switched over to the LP-PAN which in addition to being a bandscope, functions as my second receiver. I was able to copy him perfectly with the LP-PAN, even with it's agc on slow, there is no pumping which seems rather strange to me. Maybe some adjustment to the agc-slp or agc-thr would help. Any suggestions for QRN conditions?
Steve Ellington
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