Simon Brown (HB9DRV) wrote:
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Thank goodness for Wayne & Eric!

Translation by Adam VA7OJ/AB4OJ

The manufacture of the PT-8000 product line has been discontinued.

Due to the constant obstacles which we must overcome in ensuring compliance with EU-wide governmental regulations imposed on manufacturers, we were

Unless the intent was only to sell on the Swiss market, the effect of EEC regulations ought to be less than without the EEC. The point of the EEC regulations is that you only have to comply once, even if having to meet the concerns of all the members means that the regulations are a bit more difficult. Without the regulations, you woudl still have needed to meet all the requirements, if you wanted to sell throughout Europe, but would have had to submit to an approval process in every country. The approval requirements might even be incompatible.

Moreover, the big problem for EU amateurs is that the requirements are actually compromised, to meet manufacturer objections, and not well enforced, with the result that there is a lot of legal consumer equipment that causes severe RFI and also a lot of illegal equipment. (I believe the same happens at the US federal level, at least with respect to compromising EMC requirements).

required to make constant design changes to this top-quality transceiver. The very high design goals which we had set for the PT-8000 could be fulfilled in a few prototype units. However, guaranteeing this high standard without limitations in a series production program with many vendors runs into difficulties which cannot be overcome at a cost level which is still acceptable.

That's a different problem. The design wasn't reproducible and could not be rescued by production engineering.

David Woolley
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