KEEP THE W2IHY Audio Equalizer and Noise Gate!!!!!  DO NOT SELL IT ON


I'm sure Elecraft will have a Noise Gate built into a K3's firmware some
day, but a noise gate is a valuable tool to knock down in-shack background
noise (like amps, fans, other ops, etc.).  The Audio Equalizer built into
the W2IHY unit is less important now that the K3 has one, but it still gives
you added flexibility in adjusting levels beyond what the K3's built in
equalizer gives you.  I use my W2IHY Noise Gate and Equalizer with my K3 and
it certainly makes a cleaner signal than one without a noise gate.  If your
shack is perfectly quite, you never turn on the COMP or you never breathe
while in a QSO, you don't need a noise gate and eBay is a good place for it.


My two cents from Texas,

Bob K5WA 



>will I be prevented from using the W2IHY Audio Equalizer and Noise Gate 

>in front of the K3? 


Why would you want to?  Sell it on EBay!  The K3 includes an EXCELLENT 

audio equalizer that does everything you need and is quite easy to 





Jim Brown K9YC



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