The exchange here on the reflector is enjoyable and very much a good source of information. I have no answers for the feedback problem with the K3 but let me offer my situation.

There is feedback in my audio using the NCS Switcher and I have discussed it with Doug of NCS. There is no feedback using 5 other rigs.. the Orion, FT-950, K2, Omni VII, and TS-480.

There is no feedback when using a mic directly in the front of the K3.. works great. I've not tried the rear mic connection at all.

The power supply has nothing hooked up to it but the K3. It's an Astron 25 amp switching supply.

Many things I've tried.. the normal things mentioned here on the 'net'. Nothing helped.

Elecraft has my K3 now looking into this problem, calibrating and changing the 2.7 filter with a 2.8. I noted the 2.7 was not an enclosed filter and the 2.8 ...or the other 8 pole filters I installed are enclosed. I've ask it be replaced with the 2.8. Will it help the feedback problem (?), I don't have a clue, but it can't hurt.

I feel Elecraft will find the problem soon. Any group of folks who could design and build a box of 8.5 lbs of this caliber can find and fix this problem. No question.

Thanks for all the ideas and may I say there IS comfort in numbers relative to this issue, hi.

73, lynn W4NL

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