ni0c wrote:
In the recent discussions of this subject, I don't recall any mention
of Rx EQ settings, or FLx gain settings as ways of obtaining more output. For CW operation, I'm using +10 dB gain in the 200 Hz and 400 Hz Rx EQ bands (my CW pitch settings are always set between 300 and 400 Hz). I get plenty of headphone volume in my cheap Radio Shack stereo headset (especially if I remember to keep the earpiece volume controls turned up!)

You really shouldn't need to increase the filter gains over what is necessary to equalize the filters. For example, I have my 2.8 and 1 kHz filters set to 0 db, and the 400 Hz one to +4 dB. I verified that this was correct by using a steady signal source (an Elecraft XG-1), turning the AGC off and using the dBv function to compare the gains.

If you need more headphone volume, first make sure that you have set the AF Gain in the CONFIG menu to HIGH. If that doesn't work, something's wrong.

Vic, K2VCO
Fresno CA
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