I am not sure if there are not some misunderstandings.

European VAT is a type of TAX, each country has different VAT values e.g.
Germany 19%, UK 17,5%

If you import something from a non EC country like USA you have to pay your
local VAT anyway. IF you import from inside EC there is NO extra VAT because
the user price of the article includes the VAT of the country where you buy


As an Addon you have to pay Custom for some Articles. Custom fee is a method
the government uses to defend the own industry against cheap products from
the rest of the world. 

If you must pay custom duty or not for a specific article is  defined in the
TARIC catalogue. TARIC is a catalogue  of declarations which are harmonized
for the EC. Most Ham Radio articles are custom free.


Of course Elecraft is using the correct harmonized TARIC Numbers for custom
classifications. Because we are getting at least 2 Elecraft shipments per
month for QRPproject, I check these numbers monthly and I report any change
to Elecraft.


BUT it very often depends on the “today performance” of the custom officer.

e.g.  The KAT 3 is per definition an internal part of the K3, so the TARIC
number for “Other Parts of a Transmitter”  is ok and this number says NO
Custom, only VAT to pay. But in the big TARIC catalogue you find some
numbers belonging to different stuff  with the word “Antenna” in it´s name.
Some of this stuff is NOT custom free.  If the custom officer has a friendly
day, he accepts the Elecraft declaration, he believes them to be honest. An
other day, (his personal unfriendly day) he does not believe  the
declaration, he is sure it´s  a part of an Antenna and you have to pay
custom fee.


To be honest, I must say it´s not easy for the custom officers. The TARIC
book is a 30cmx20xcm x5cm, printed in small fonts. I think it contains
several thousand product descriptions.


I had a lot of funny declarations in the past, the best one:  parts for an
Elecraft K2 have been declared as parts for a bath room by custom officer  J

In the mean I accept wrong declaration because it is much more expensive to
start a 6 Month war against the custom burocracy then paying the 2-5% custom


73 de Peter, DL2FI




[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Im Auftrag von David Andrews

Gesendet: Montag, 24. November 2008 10:04
An: elecraft@mailman.qth.net
Betreff: [Elecraft] Import tax and VAT (UK)


VAT on the K3 kit is payable but not import tax. The latter depends on the
accuracy of the ‘code’ numbers supplied by Elecraft, and I’ve always found
these absolutely right. UK Customs unfortunately often can’t be bothered
checking the full number in their book (also on the web) and they have
charged import tax on two out of three occasions. It’s a real slog claiming
it back – all the paper work is needed – bureaucracy at its very worst. 


David G4CWB



>I keep misunderstanding the difference between import tax and VAT.  I 

>"thought" that kits were absolved of one but not the other.  Perhaps you 

>could clarify.







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