Thanks all for the responses- pretty much as I thought. I can see me doing something to fit out my STD carry on bag so I can carry the K3, it's (small) SMPSU and a few other bits and pieces and figure out how to make that easy to unpack etc.
73 de M0XDF, K3 #174
Everything secret degenerates, even the administration of justice; nothing
is safe that does not show how it can bear discussion and publicity.
-Lord Acton, historian (1834-1902)

On 2 Jan 2009, at 13:04, Robert Naumann wrote:


The short answer is: yes.

Anything electronic should be taken out and placed into a tray - alone - so they can see and not fear it. They don't care that it is a ham radio - it could be a piece of test equipment for all they know. As long as you let them see it and send it through the scanner uncovered, all should be well. They might want to swab it, but that only slows you down for a minute or
two. Be patient and calm throughout the ordeal.

I have travelled all over with my Kenwood TS850, Icom 756 ProIII and soon to be K3 and have never had any problems by doing this - all since 9/11. Take the user manual with you in your carry on in case they ask for proof of what
it is.

I brought my Acom 2000A amplifier to Antigua a few years ago and I carried the power transformer in a bowling ball bag. The amp was in its shipping
carton as checked baggage. Miami airport security did not want me to
carry-on the transformer and insisted that I had to check it. I was
persistent, and they finally let me take it on board after explaining to a supervisor what it was and why it was removed from the rest of the amplifier
by showing the manual and photos of the whole thing.

Every airport I have been through since 9/11 has required the removal of shoes - I think this followed the one guy who got caught with some explosive
in his shoes shortly after 9/11.


Bob W5OV / V26O

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of David Ferrington,
Sent: Friday, January 02, 2009 5:55 AM
Subject: Re: [Elecraft] K3 in Carry-on Luggage

So, some thoughts please. If I take my K3 in carry-on, should I remove
it from the carry on and place in a tray and explain what it is?

Going from England (Gatwick) to France (Toulouse) just before xmas, it
took my family 1 hour to get through security - they were checking
everything - take of boots with high heels, belts of any kind, close
search after you'd gone though the scanner, checking bags the lot.

Coming out of France was much the same, except no queue.
73 de M0XDF, K3 #174
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