"Roger that" regarding shift and width granularity!

I had great success (for me) in RU using my 200 Hz 5 pole filter with the DSP width set at 200 Hz and moving the filter offset frequency (FLx FRQ) about 30 Hz from normal to center up the passband while looking at band noise with MMTTY. I used 1275 Hz Mark frequency. DSP LO was 1.3 KHz and HI was 1.5 KHz. Moving the filter offset allowed both mark and space signals to come through at similar amplitudes. If the DSP resolution below a few hundred Hz would switch to 10 Hz resolution, it would be a real help and should probably alleviate jockeying the filter offset. In my case sensitivity might improve a bit, too since my mark frequency was 25 Hz outside of the stated DSP passband! With 10 Hz resolution, the DSP could be set something like 1260 through 1460 Hz. (or whatever produces the best looking response in the desired audio passband) without tweeking FLx FRQ. At any rate, even with 50 Hz granularity this setup allowed me substantially better copy of weak TTY signals in a crowded band than did the DUAL PB in the more conventional manner (while using MMTTY). The radio performed flawlessly for me in my first RTTY Roundup (Single Op, Low power, 530 Q's, 56 Sec, 35 countries, all S&P). The radio was run in the FSK D mode with data decoding always running.

Incidentally, my fancy new LCD computer monitor uses a capacitance touch power switch which would frequently turn off the monitor when I was transmitting on certain bands (40 or 20). But I never lost a Q because of this because I could always copy the RTTY on my K3 decoder display and would occasionally grab the paddles to send if the stations call had not yet been entered in the logging program (N1MM). It always took a few seconds for the monitor to reinitialize once I was able to turn it back on though it seemed much longer than that in the contest. My next ham radio task may be modifying this monitor.


Guy, K2AV wrote:
Changing SHIFT and WIDTH granularity to 10 Hz from 50 would improve CW
useability as well.
A lot of us have formed contest operating habits and tactics based on analog
SHIFT and WIDTH functions. Like a combination of a small shift and
(sometimes) a lesser width change to put someone up or down just a bit
farther down the passband and keep the same skirt frequency on the opposite
side of the passband.

73, Guy

wayne burdick wrote:
All RTTY issues noted, Dave -- thanks.

Congratulations on your excellent showing!


On Jan 5, 2009, at 9:00 AM, Dave Hachadorian wrote:

My pair of K3's also worked well in the RTTY Roundup - 1800
qso's. There are only a couple of issues that I saw:

1. On each transition between mark/space, there is a brief
upward power excursion. One of my amplifiers has an LED
wattmeter, and one of the LED's was blinking like crazy.
Also, the screen current on that amp was varying
significantly. I've complained about this in the past.
Elecraft is supposed to be working on it.

2. When you reduce the DSP bandwidth to 300 Hz, it is not
possible for me to get the audio output exactly centered
between the RTTY modem's mark and space detector. The SHIFT
control is too coarse. One click of the SHIFT control moves
the audio either slightly left of center, or slightly right
of center. It would be nice if there were a "fine mode"
setting for the SHIFT control.

I can live with both of these issues, but fixing them would
make this rig absolutely perfect for RTTY, at least for me.

Dave Hachadorian, K6LL
Yuma, AZ

----- Original Message -----
From: "Lee Buller" <k...@swbell.net>
To: "Elecraft Reflector" <elecraft@mailman.qth.net>
Sent: Monday, January 05, 2009 2:56 PM
Subject: [Elecraft] K3: The ARRL RTTY Round UP

Ladies and Gents....

I just about cleared a thousand Qs this weekend in the RU in
only 17 hours of on-the-air time. The K3 was spectacular in
performance. The RX is magnificent and copied signals that I
could not hear out of the speaker but printed on the screen.
This happened many times. From Kansas, I did get to work
some deep Europeans and even Israel called me. I did not
hear any Russian stations at all. The DX was weak but
workable. Magnificent RX. The TX was healthing and robust. I
was running my amp so I was only running about 60 watts or
less. The TX stayed cool and stable.

The only issue I noticed was that between Dual PB on and
off...the power would drop about 200 watts. No big deal, but
interesting phenomonon. With the Dual PB on...the power
would drop...with it off...the power would return to normal.
Wayne and Eric already know about this issue.

Thanks to all who worked me. Fun contest.

Lee - K0WA

In our day and age it seems that Common Sense is in short
supply.  If you don't have any Common Sense - get some
Common Sense and use it.  If you can't find any Common
Sense, ask for help from somebody who has some Common Sense.
Is Common Sense divine?

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