Bruce McLaughlin wrote:
> If it is a BNC connector, then obviously that is the connector to use.
> Unfortunately, I do not have that radio.  The K2 does have the PL 259 type

The base K2 uses BNC.

Generally though, all amateur antennas are compromises, and there is a 
lot of mythology on the subject.  Other than that you really need at 
least a full halfwave at a reasonable height, everyone will have 
different idesa,  and some people will try and sell you very compact 
antennas and claim they are as good.

To take things to extremes, for a simple, halfwave, dipole aerial, you 
probably want superconducting wire, connected directly the antenna 
connector, with the radio suspended several thousand feet in the air, 
with wireless (possibly optical fibre) control of keying and return of 
audio.  Obviously you will need to use batteries.

Even replacing the superconducting wires with fat silver ones, that is 
unrealistic and may not be optimum for some propagation conditions. 
Your antenna will be dictated by how much you can afford, and where you 
can place it.

(Even with the extreme case quoted, you might want a balun, and a free 
space dipole is more like 75 ohms than the 50 ohms design load.)

David Woolley
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