Hi Jim -

I am 66 (67 in April) and still employed full-time ++ (Radio Broadcast 
in Seattle for over 45 years).   The 'acceptable' Seattle dress code calls 
Polo Shirt - Jeans - shoes you can hike in etc.    T-shirts are OK at 
but I want to be able to wear my K3 shirt elsewhere.

What did you mean by the term OLD?  <grin>

Concord huh?   Do you know Art Botterell at Contra Costa County?

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "JIM DAVIS" <nn...@astound.net>
To: "k7cr" <k...@blarg.net>; <elecraft@mailman.qth.net>
Sent: Saturday, January 24, 2009 4:02 PM
Subject: Re:Re: [Elecraft] QSO Party & Shirts

> On Sat, 24 Jan 2009 14:45:52 -0800
>  "k7cr" <k...@blarg.net> wrote:
>> A K3 -QSO Party sounds like fun !   The hard part will be to find a 
>> weekend that is not inconflict with other events.  Exchange could be 
>> simply Name and K3 Serial Number - Assuming that Elecraft has a list of 
>> names to match most of the serials, varification should be easy.  Now if 
>> someone, with some spare time, could come forward to handle the 
>> varification, that would be great.  Perhaps a prize for a few top-scores 
>> (perhaps a T-Shirt).    This would certainly stir up a lot of interest in 
>> the Amateur Radio Community in the product, something that Elecraft would 
>> likely appreciate.
>> On the subject of shirts -
>> I like Polo Shirts.  Some of them are very nice and can be warn where T's 
>> are not appreciated.    Perhaps someone could jump into this in a manner 
>> similar to what Ross Kopp has done with her dust covers and cases?  (I 
>> have one of those in my shack) ...  I'd place an order.
>> Clay Freinwald, K7CR
>> K3 # 1864 _______________________________________________
> Dear Clay,
> I don't know how OLD you are but I'm (61yrs) old and MUCH prefer a good 
> Ol'American
> "T-shirt" to the "old-foggey POLOs".
> Jim/nn6ee
> Concord, Ca.
> S/N 2406 (K3)

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