Use it, it is correct for a 2.7 pf capacitor. 
The number of ways a capacitor can be marked are too numerous to cover 
in a brief description in a parts list.  Sorry that the manual is 
confusing on issues like this, but there is no good way to prevent it.
If you want to become familiar with the various markings used for 
capacitors, the ARRL Handbook is a good resource, but even their lengthy 
discussion is not complete.


djmd wrote:
> Hi - 
> Just a quick check here. C22 calls for a 3.3pf, manual says it should be
> labeled 2R7, 3, 3.3, or 3R3. I have none of those - but do have one labeled
> 2.7C... just wanted to make sure this was the guy. Thanks!! 
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