Sorry for the confusion on the sound card side:  It's a stereo input, 
but I don't get software control of the balance or independent gain.
It's not on Windows.  The Griffin iMic device specs say stereo, but the 
driver appears to be supporting only mono gain controls.

If I go to LIN OUT menu and tapping button 1 to get =PHONES then I can 
use the audio gain controls to control the mix, but if I use NOR mode 
LIN OUT then it's always mixed.  Probably easiest for me to make a cable 
than (a) fix the driver or (b) ask for firmware changes.

> Leigh L. Klotz, Jr WA5ZNU wrote:
>> Is it possible to control whether the sub rx goes to the line out or not?
>> It seems that both main and sub rx are always going to line out; I guess 
>> they're on left/right channels?
>> If not, I guess I need to make a cable to cut out one channel so I don't 
>> see both with my mono sound card line input.
> That doesn't quite make sense. If your line-in is really mono, the right
> channel would not be connected to anything. Are you sure it's not the
> software you're using that's mixing the two channels together ?
> Also check your audio recording volume control settings (assuming this
> is on Windoze) - maybe you're recording the "Mono Mix" instead of
> "Line In" ?
>      ~Iain
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