This filter mystery seems to be a common exercise for purchasers of a K3.

Having just gone through this myself, reading all of the data available, and
consulting with K3 owners for their experiences, I settled on the following
assortment of filters for my new K3:

KFL3A-6K   6.0  kHz   8 pole
KFL3A-2.7K 2.7  kHz   5 pole (standard)
KFL3A-500    500 Hz   5 pole 
KFL3A-200    200 Hz   5 pole

I am extremely pleased with the performance with these filters and along
with the DSP, even the bedlam that was going on in the recent CQWW 160
contest was easy to listen to and to sort out weak signals among the very
strong. I cannot say enough about how pleased I am with the performance. My
only wish is that I could be heard as well as I now hear!

If I was to add anything, it might be the 1 kHz filter to fill in the wide
gap between the 2.7k and 500 Hz filters but this is a personal suspicion
rather than a scientific determination. 


Bob W5OV

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Kjeld Holm
Sent: Friday, February 06, 2009 2:32 AM
Subject: Re: [Elecraft] [K3] Elecraft roofing filters

Dear all,

Once and again: Thanks to all for very interesting and informative answers.

Right now my conclusion according to my planed way of operation is the
following setup

2 pcs KFL3A-2.8_2.7sw replacement K3 and KRX3
2 pcs KFL3A-1.8K SSB
2 pcs KFL3A-200 5-pole CW + matching
2 pcs KFL3A-400 CW
2 pcs KFL3B-FM FM

For the purpose of working as many DXCC countries as possible including
picking new ones during contests on crowded  bands.

As I understand this configuration will not allow me to receive or transmit
on AM but it will maybe allow ESSB later if the firmware can be modified to
use the FM filter for ESSB. 

Any further comments before my ordering will be appreciated.

Vy 73
OZ1CCM Kjeld


-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Kjeld Holm
Sent: 5. februar 2009 17:27
Subject: Re: [Elecraft] [K3] Elecraft roofing filters

Dear all,

Thanks for all the kind answers.

Sorry for all that fuss. Somehow I mixed up everything so I ended up
thinking of some nonsense like 1.0 kHz for SSB. :-o

I will go for 250 Hz and 400 Hz for CW plus 2.8 kHz for SSB. And also
filters for AM and FM.

Vy 73
OZ1CCM Kjeld

-----Original Message-----
From: W0MU Mike Fatchett []
Sent: 5. februar 2009 15:28
To: 'Kjeld Holm'
Subject: RE: [Elecraft] [K3] Elecraft roofing filters

They are available on the website.   

KFL3A-1.0K  1 kHz, 8-pole roofing filter        125.95

I have one in my K3 but I don't use it too much.  You might want to use it
over a 250 or 500 filter to listen to a pile up so you can hear if the
station is working people above or below his frequency.  I have listened to
SSB a bit on the filter and while very narrow for SSB you can hear the

The better question might be, what modes do you like to operate?  I am about
to order a second K3 and I was going to go with the following filters.  2.8
replacing the stock 2.7/ AM/ FM/ 400 or 500 and 250.  If you never play to
transmit on AM or want to do ESSB or FM those slots would be available.  The
K3 I have now has the 2.7 which is being replaced with the
2.8/1.8/1.0/400/200 in the main rcv, 2.8/400 in the sub.

Mike W0MU

"A slip of the foot you may soon recover, but a slip of the tongue you may
never get over." Ben Franklin -----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Kjeld Holm
Sent: Thursday, February 05, 2009 5:44 AM
To: 'ElecraftList'
Subject: [Elecraft] [K3] Elecraft roofing filters

Dear all,
In the "Roofing Filter Notes from Wayne and Eric" link on the Order page I
see the two sentences: "Add narrower/wider filters as you prefer. I like to
use the 1.0 kHz crystal filter when tuning a crowded band or listening to a
pile up."
Can anyone point me to a place that can tell me what "the 1.0 kHz crystal
filter" is, where to obtain one and when it is worth using?
Vy 73
OZ1CCM Kjeld 

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