
The beautiful thing about Elecraft products is that you don't have to make
the final decision now. You can purchase the rig without the second receiver
and buy it when you figure what you need it for.

That said, I think the question you want to ask yourself is, "What could I
do if I had *two* K3s?"

I can scarcely think of a day that passes that I *don't* use the second
receiver. For example, at sunrise and sunset, I scan the 160m band with one
receiver and listen with the other receiver to see who comes back to the big
guns who are calling CQ. It's a great way to see where the band might be
open to and sometimes I can call the same stations a kc or two up and get a
reply. With the forthcoming band independence between the main and sub
receivers, I plan to enjoy a shortwave station on one receiver while I troll
a "dead" band for signs of life. Come on, sunspots!!

Perhaps the most common practice is listening to both a DX station and the
pileup at the same time. I became accustomed to this with my FT1KMP, but
lost the ability when I switched to my K2 for its more bullet proof receiver
and also missed it with my Ten Tec Omni VII. Since having it again in the
K3, I spend *a lot* less time trying to bust a pileup simply because I have
a lot better chance of putting my signal in a quieter spot where the DX will
hear it. Sure, you *can* sort of do this without the second receiver, but in
my experience not nearly as effectively. I plan to take this to the next
level and use the radio as a single-box "SO2R" in future contests - that
should be interesting!!
Like most engineering questions, the answer is, "It depends." It depends on
what you want to do and what you're comfortable doing. I admit that after 40
years in the hobby, it has taken a little practice to integrate "two K3s"
into my operating style. Now I definitely would not want to do without it.


Brian K1LI
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