I remember one in particular, circa 1959.  I had been licensed about a year and 
needed a tower. My then neighbor and Elmer the late Lee, W7UVR, had a 30' 
aluminum one laying in his yard and I asked him to "donate" it to me.

He said that if I helped him install the ground radials under his V80 he would 
give me the tower.  I naively said yes.

It's necessary to set this up.  Although the neighborhood was nice, one-acre 
lots then on the outskirts of Tucson, my family was working class and Lee was 
the recent beneficiary of a large trust fund.  Why he remained in the 
neighborhood was a mystery to me, but nevertheless, he did.  This is especially 
baffling considering that he had a noisy power line cutting across the cornet 
of his lot, so until Collins came out with their noise blanker for the 75A-4 
sometime later, he couldn't hear anything.  So he decide to go mobile. You can 
see THE mobile here: 


Clearly, Lee didn't do anything half-way.  The same was true for the home 
station:  A bank of built-in 6' relay racks populated with a common power 
supply and modulator and individual amplifiers for each band using push-pull 
304TLs.  Still, since he couldn't hear much, he got himself an appointment as 
an ARRL "Official Bulletin Station", retransmitting W1AW announcements. Thus 
the need for a multi-band omni-directional antenna to augment the Christmas 
tree Telrex stack.

When I entered this picture the vertical was standing and the transmission line 
was in place.  I swear I'm not making this up, he was using rigid, 
air-insulated hardline filled with nitrogen.

Not content to have a sloppy installation he wanted four-foot ground rods at 
the end of each radial so that the wire could be pulled tight and anchored to 
them.  This is where I came in, he needed some to pound ground rods.  I don't 
remember exactly how many I drove but I did it for days.  As I remember, before 
he became wealthy he had designed BC stations, I suspect it was the classic 
120.  When I got done, we stretched and soldered the wire and he called in a 
landscaper to cover it all up with topsoil.

I picked up my 30' tower and walked the two blocks home with it.

--- On Sun, 3/15/09, Ken Kopp <k...@rfwave.net> wrote:

> From: Ken Kopp <k...@rfwave.net>
> Subject: [Elecraft] Elecraft] 43' Vertical and the K2 tuner
> To: "Steve Ellington" <n...@carolina.rr.com>, elecraft@mailman.qth.net
> Date: Sunday, March 15, 2009, 1:48 PM
> Steve, I thought of the Gotham, but doubted if anyone would
> remember .... (:-))
> You must be OLD, like me!
> 73! Ken Kopp - K0PP
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