For the past several days I have been seeing a couple of powerful digital
signals, S9+, between 14.018 to 14.032MHz.  They seem to be comprised of 4
or 5 discrete frequencies rapidly moving around in a bandwidth of about
2Khz.  When working with a narrow filter it is possible to work through
them, with difficulty.  With a wide filter, 2.8KHz set to the center of
their bandwidth it sounds like a group of castanets clicking away with
slightly different tones.  I might have just discounted them but for the
fact that I have just recently gotten a "poor man's" panadapter using a
Rockmite and Z10000 amp from Clifton Labs with the Rocky software monitoring
my K3's IF output.  These two signals have been here every time I get on 20M
and are quite impressive in the amount of bandwidth they occupy.  I have not
seen this on any other band.  Forgive my ignorance of digital modes, but I
just don't recall hearing this sort of signal before.  Can anyone let me
know what this might be?

Ken, NU4I

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