So, how easy is it to build the K2?  So easy, you can do it when you're
too sick to go to work :-)

I'm not a kit builder.  I built my K2 because I couldn't afford to pay
to have it done.  I bought the pre-wound toroids and recommend them
highly.  I also bought the unPCB kit which actually made the build time
longer due to initial prep work, but created a K2 that was more to my

Anyway, about the time the K2 arrived I got sick.  I was tired, and my
head was full of snot.  One of those nasty colds where all you can do is
watch soap operas.  Guess what, I found that the K2 took about the same
effort as watching TV.  Read 1 paragraph.  Blow nose.  Find a part.
Locate the target location on the board.  Blow nose.  Mount part, double
check orientation, solder part.  Blow nose.  Check off step in the

I move slowly and deliberately.  It took me about 40 hours of build time
with my basic K2.  I filled 1/2 a paper shopping bag with Kleenex and
had a wonderful K2 that worked perfectly the first time.

- Keith N1AS -
- K3 711 -

-----Original Message-----
> Nice to have the K3 assembly information. Have you or anyone else 
> noted the time to assemble a K2? I hope to build one or the other 
> sometime in the not too distant future.
> Gary  KJ7RT
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