My ISP lost a hard drive on Saturday.  I am not sure whether any of my mail 
from Saturday, Sunday, or Monday has reached its destination.  If you already 
have this report I am sorry for the duplication.  I also have no email from 
anyone between Saturday and just a few hours ago when they replaced their 
harddrive and got the system back up again.
       Kevin.  KD5ONS

-----Forwarded Message-----
>From: Kevin Rock <>
>Sent: Aug 16, 2009 10:31 PM
>To: "" <>
>Subject: Elecraft CW Net Report for August 16 & 17th, 2009
>Good Evening!
>   What a contrast between the two bands.  Twenty was weak and noisy while 
> forty was very, very strong with a little QSB and summer QRN.  My walk after 
> the second net was not to clear my head of heavy QRN but from the very strong 
> signals.  It was a nice walk on a sunny evening.  Last week's rains have 
> lowered the fire danger to low.  The fogs each morning have brought me a lot 
> of moisture as the fir, hemlock, and cedar mine it directly from the sky.  
> The large old fir which towers over my house and supports the center of two 
> doublets was raining heavily over my bedroom and over exactly half the deck.  
> Simply walking out the front door was enough to curl my hair :)  With the 
> added moisture the forest smells good again.  Too dry and it smells scary!  
>    On to the lists =>
>  On 14050.5 kHz at 2300z:
>W6ZH - Pete - CA - K2 - 5138
>NO8V - John - MI - K3 - 820
>N0SS - Tom - MO - K3 - 008
>N0AR - Scott - MN - K2 - 4866
>K1THP - Dave - CT - K3 - 686
>W0RSR - Mike - CO - K2 - 5767
>AB9V - Mike - IN - K3 - 398
>W0CZ - Ken - ND - K3 - 457
>K6DGW - Fred - CA - K3 - 642      * QNI #140 *
>NK6A - Don - CA - K3 - 517
>KL7CW - Rick - AK - KX1 - 798
>WB5BKL - Nick - TX - K3 - 231
>  On 7045.5 kHz at 0100z:
>NO8V - John - MI - K3 - 820            QNI #85!!!
>W0CZ - Ken - ND - K3 - 457        ** QNI #290 **
>AB9V - Mike - IN - K3 - 398         ** QNI #240 **
>W6ZH - Pete - CA - K2 - 5138
>K6DGW - Fred - CA - K3 - 642
>W0RSR - Mike - CO - K2 - 5767    * QNI #100 *
>N0TA - John - CO - K3 - 994
>K6PJV - Dale - CA - K3 - 1183
>W7AQK - Dave - AZ - K3 - 96           QNI #10!
>NK6A - Don - CA - K3 - 517
>N0AR - Scott - MN - K2 - 4866
>    The sun has really moved in only two weeks.  Soon it won't set within 
> sight of this window.  During the last week the deer have started moving at 
> mid-day.  I have seen them on my way home from town three times in only five 
> days.  I had not seen one in months.  They are not too concerned with me as I 
> drive by but that will soon change.  The hunters are already sighting in 
> their guns but the deer need to avoid the bow hunters during the first 
> season.  I have been seeing more elk sign lately as I split wood.  I know 
> they are only a hundred yards from the house but I have not seen one in many 
> years.  Sneaky :)  The foxgloves are blooming quite near the top so summer is 
> almost done.  While I was trimming alder from the back 'yard' I had to cut 
> around the one supporting my antenna.  Once I had access to that one I cut 
> above and below the point at which the line was tied because I could no 
> longer untie it.  The tree had grown completely around the line in one year.  
> Now the lin
 e is tied around a hemlock so I should be safer.  They don't grow nearly as 
fast as the weedy alder.  
>   I am happy the noise I have on 80 meters is not present on 40 or 20 meters. 
>  I tried turning off power to the house to see if I could eliminate the noise 
> but that did not cause it to cease.  Next step is to go for a walk with a 
> transistor radio so I can do some DFing.  The power line was just replaced 
> for the mile from my transformer to the top of the mountain.  Yes, it was 
> 5260 feet of cable and they had to add 20 feet to make the last connection.  
> The noise was not present before their repairs so I think they may have some 
> more work to do.  One transformer was relocated behind a logging gate so 
> either that one or the one in front of my house may be the culprit.  It will 
> be easy to separate them with a ferrite rod antenna.  
>   Until next week stay well,
>      73,
>          Kevin.  KD5ONS  (Net Control Operator 5th Class)

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