
Thanks for taking the time to do those recordings for us.

In a nutshell I would say that the noise reduction would greatly reduce my 
listening fatigue.  In both ssb and cw the resulting audio is "softened" ie 
similar to reducing audio bandwidth.

I prefer this effect to simply reducing IF bandwidth and IF shift which give 
that hollow sound and is less helpful with listening fatigue.

I would say clarity on all the ssb signals is reduced slightly but I didn't 
miss anything comparing on to off.  For long term listening the reduction in 
fatigue is worth having compared to a slight loss of clarity.

On the 4th example, in which the incoming voice is rather bassy, his voice 
already  lacks top for clarity, so a further reduction is undesirable and I 
would switch out the filter for him and similar muffled signals.

The cw example was fb and very desirable reduction in listening fatigue.



> Dear Jonathan,Robin,Ted,Art,David and Bud,the requested info about NR 
> settings and MP3 files showing how well it works was sent to all of you.
> AD4C 

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