This is only interesting for users of CW on the K3.

You might want to check and see if your K3 - like mine #3674 with 3.68 firmware 
- produces a badly chirping signal when the VFO is set to a frequency in a very 
narrow range of 3525.970 to 3526.030 kHz while the rcvr is using 400 Hz x-tal 
filter (in my case FL3). Be aware that TX must be set to use FL1. You need to 
check for chirp on a monitoring rcvr.

It was found by pure coincidence during a QSO and it was quite embarassing to 
get that kind of report when using a rig like K3. It has nothing to do with RF 
level, RFI or poor PSU regulation.

Several others have reported to me, that they don't observe this problem on 
their K3s. So maybe you are just as lucky - if it is a question of luck ;-)

Elecraft have (quickly!) responded that they discovered it "not long ago" and 
suggest thast I solder in a 51-55 ohm resistor across R20 on the main Synth 
board. I haven't done this yet, but will report here when I have done so.

I don't know if the chirp only applies to this particular combination of VFO 
frequency and x-tal filter. Anyone else having relevant info please post here.

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