Sounds like you've got a thermal intermittent issue in the K2. I'd examine the toroids' soldering to be sure the enamel's been completely removed. Reflow all with a good hot iron - sometimes a solder
connection can look okay, but still be bad (or worse, intermittent ).

Alan D. Wilcox, W3DVX
Williamsport, PA 17701

Gary Slagel wrote:
Hi guys,
I've got a k2/100 giving me fits! After about 30 minutes of qso time, output shuts down completely on 20 and 30 meters. After a period of time (15 minutes to a couple hours) it will come back on and then run happily for as long as I want. For instance, november sweepstakes it shut down, 30 minutes later came back up and I used it for the next 20 hours with no problems. Bands other then 20 and 30 are fine. I've done extensive testing. It happens whether I'm running at 5 watts or 100 watts. It happens whether connected to my antenna (3 ele tribander) or into a dummy load. It sometimes doesn't happen, but 3 out of 4 times it does under identical test condx. I've only tested on CW and the test platform was to record a 90 second message and have it repeat over and over with a 90 second interval between repetitions. The only troubleshooting suggestion I could find in the manual suggested an insufficient power supply but I figured since I have the same problem runningn 5watts out that this shouldn't be the problem. My next step will be to ask elecraft to take a look at it but I thought I'd throw the problem out here first and see if anybody has seen a similar problem. If anyone would like to take a wack at fixing the thing and get a really good deal on a K2 I'd be interested in selling it also. I bought the rig already assembled in 2006 for $1400. Not sure what a k2 with a problem is worth but I'd sell it for $750 and might consider offers as well. The thing is fully decked out with the following options: K2
KPA100 (100 W module)
KSB2 (SSB  Module)
K160RX (160M option)
K60XV (60M and transverter interface)
KNB2 (Noise Blanker)
FDIMP (Finger Dimple)
KDSP2 (Internal DSP and Clock option)
KAT100-1 (external 100W tuner)
MD2 (Desk Mic w/stand, very nice matching Elecraft Desk Mic)
Foot switch (plugs into mic cable)
Rework Eliminators ( set of 6 plug in boards)

If you're interested I can send pictures and try to give you some more details 
over the phone.
Gary Slagel/N0SXX
Hot Springs, SD

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