Good Evening,
   Even though the signals were strong on 20 meters the coverage was spotty.  I 
could hear Florida great but Georgia was gone.  I could hear Indiana and 
Michigan well but Minnesota was gone.  North Dakota was hard but Wyoming was 
great.  However, I got South Dakota and then remembered my states list.  I 
scanned it and found ECN is one state away from a Worked All States with an 
Elecraft rig in both directions.  I am unsure if that award is available but 
maybe if I hint loudly enough it will happen :)  I know ECN earned the century 
award for working over 100 Elecraft rigs.  They should have stickers for 
working 500 and then for 1000.  Once again hints and nudges are in order ;)  As 
I was filling in the database I noticed we are nearing 7000 check ins from 700 
folks.  I need to count up the serial numbers I have collected too.  Since June 
6, 2002 we have worked quite a number of folks.  Now that the sun is awakening 
from its extended slumber DX check ins will become more freque
   On forty meters life was not so good.  First I got myself confused and 
started at 7050.5 kHz trying to avoid the digital folks.  My rig was still set 
up for the Fox hunts so I guess my mind got distracted.  Then along comes Dale 
and asks why I am on such an odd frequency.  Once my mind was sufficiently 
jogged I looked at the settings and thought about where I was.  I zipped down 
to 7045 kHz and started calling.  Once again my first caller was K6PJV.  
Hmmm... I may be paranoid but I am sure he was following me :)  On top of that 
QRN was bad and signals were weak.  I only got four check ins on that band.  
Maybe it is just too early in the day and I should go back to working ECN/40 at 
0000z now that Spring is officially here.  Yes, I survived yet another winter.  
The snow may not be done but surely there cannot be many more before they are 

   On to the lists =>

  On 14050 kHz at 2200z:
NO8V - John - MI - K3 - 820        * QNI # 115 *
WB3AAL - Ron - PA - K2 - 1392
AB9V - Mike - IN - K3 - 398
KM4NS - Rodger - FL - K3 - 3840
K1THP - Dave - CT - K3 - 686
WC7S - Dale - WY - K2 - 4360
W0CZ - Ken - ND - K3 - 457
AE6IC - Fred - CA - K3 - 2241
NI0I - Tom - SD - K3 - 89
N7KRT - Jeff - TX - K2 - 5471
W0RSR - Mike - CO - K2 - 5767
KL7QOW - Mike - AK - K3 - 3144

  On 7050.5 and then 7045 kHz at 2300z:
K6PJV - Dale - CA - K3 - 1183
N0AR - Scott - MN - K2 - 4866
K6DGW - Fred - CA - K3 - 
AE6IC - Fred - CA - K3 - 2241

   Now that 49 states have been logged I need someone to travel to the radio 
wasteland of Delaware.  Maybe they don't read the ads in QST and have never 
heard of Elecraft.  Makes one wonder doesn't it?  But then it is such a tiny 
state you could lose it in many of the western states' counties ;)  I do have a 
QSL card from there and will make sure it is in a safe place because it was my 
last state for WAS.  I got lucky and found an op there during the Delaware QSO 
Party.  Now if one of you plan a vacation think about tossing an end fed wire 
up in the state of Delaware and work ECN.  It would be very nice to attain the 
unobtainable ECN/WAS from Elecraft.  Hint, hint, nudge, nudge, wink, wink :)
   Until next week stay well,
         Kevin.  KD5ONS  (Net Control Operator 5th Class)


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