If you have never used a panadapter you are in for hours of amusement:
I am just looking/listening with PSDR/IF on 40m to a remote control ssb 
station (appropriately based in a city renowned for wind) whose spectrum 
below 200Hz is peaking 15dB higher than the rest of his signal. 
Integrate the area under the curve and you can approximate that at 
*least* half of his power is useful communication only for whales ;-)

And at other times when you heard spitch you will be able to see the imd 
christmas tree 40kHz away that is causing it. Probably with 'ALC' ;-)

You may also get a surprise with wobbly signals out either side of your 
passband (hopefully) on an empty band. Switched mode PSUs are the 
devil's work :-(

Have fun, Pete F5VNB

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