
Ah, the vagaries of propagation!  I tuned in to check into the net but I
could barely hear net control deep in the noise, and few of the responding
stations. I live 80 miles west of one of the California stations that
checked in and 80 miles north of he other, but I might as well have been on
the back side of the moon.

End snip


Hi Lew. All bands and nets suffered from low propagation at this QTH
(Oceanside, CA) yesterday. I've noticed though that when Phil points his
quad south, the situation improves. Maybe your location offers a similar
challenge. With the propagation situation it's hard to differentiate between
long period QSB and antenna rotation. In which case, I had a tendency to
move on. But lately I have been able to wait and catch Phil's signal when he
swings south.


The CW nets also were too noisy for me to use, but then again I have a
stealth wire antenna. Also, I doubt that Kevin can rotate his 40 M ant! Hi.

73, Fred, AE6IC

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