Hi, I'm Forest.  When you say "ties in voting preferences," I take it you
are talking about the individual voter filling out the ballot, and not
knowing what to do if he has no real preference in the case of two of the
candidates. Is that right?

The answer to this question is that some versions require you to express
preferences anyway, so in that case you would do best to flip a coin, and
hope that someone else who doesn't care also flips a coin and cancels out
your "preference."

Other rules allow voters to express the preferences they care about, and
leave the rest unexpressed.

Does that help?


On Mon, 19 Feb 2001, Moe St. EverGreen wrote:

> What are the most acceptable forms of tie breaking
> other than random, that might be used before random
> in the case of Condorcet Voting.
> I mean actual ties in voting preferences
> and not merely failure to have a Condorcet approved 
> candidate.
> ps.
> Also, I notice that the EM webpage does not list
> Condorcet as a voting system, but rather lists Minmax as
> the name of the system.. but with a different type of counting
> (Minmax as described there goes for a minimum score 
> rather than for a maximum score as described at 
> http://electionmethods.org/)
> Is there another name for Condorcet voting,
> and is Condorcet voting currently considered the best option
> for a single winner race?

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