Dear Abd ul-Rahman,

> Okay, here is my solution. The B voters gain some very substantial 
> advantage for the election of C over the favorite of the A voters, 
> who have only a substantially smaller preference for A over C.
> So the B voters offer something of value to the A voters to 
> compensate them for their loss. 

That is certainly an interesting proposal. It seems to be based on the 
assumption that the "just" solution is to elect A and that in order to get the 
compromise, the minority should pay for it. Although that would probably solve 
the problem, this is not how I think society should work: I don't think nearly 
half of the electorate should pay the other half for getting what is the more 
just solution in my eyes. Perhaps that is a difference in culture?

> The original conditions assume commensurability of utilities, 

No, definitely not! I would never propose such a thing! I only said that those 
who believe in such measures may interpret the given numbers in that way...

Yours, Jobst
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