On May 25, 2008, at 4:16 , Abd ul-Rahman Lomax wrote:

How about Asset Voting? It is a truly brillig method. Simple. Invented over a hundred and twenty years ago.

I didn't include Asset Voting or related features since it includes "cabinet negotiations" between the candidates and the to-be-elected representatives. That may be considered to open too many doors for the parties/groups/strong individuals to impact the outcome. Delegable proxy represents the idea of bottom-up influencing in a more basic way.

After the lists of electable persons (candidates) have been created
we can arrange the election.  Winners will be simply picked by random

How about simply allowing people to choose who represents them?

At the end of my mail I mentioned delegable proxy as one method that is "party agnostic". At this point I covered only the random ballot based options (and tried to avoid collegial decision making as much as possible).

(There are also other methods that are based on a very bottom-up
oriented approach like direct democracy and delegable proxy.)

Btw, I should have mentioned also STV as one central "party agnostic" method.

Asset Voting is clean enough and simple enough and really can become DP beyond the secret ballot level.

What property makes Asset Voting be better here? (DP and many methods may have problems when votes become public, but why does Asset Voting stand out here?)


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