Was:  Re: [EM] Making a Bad Thing Worse

Is the Electoral College recognized as having lived ot its useful life? If so, perhaps we could do up a worthwhile constitutional amendment.

Should we not desperately try to get FPTP out of this?

I suggest three parts for the heart of this:
     Like NPV we want to count a national election.
     FPTP deserves burial - USE Condorcet.
Some states may not be up to Condorcet instantly. Let them stay with FPTP until they are ready to move up. Just as a Condorcet voter can choose to rank only a single candidate, for a state full of such the counters can translate FPTP results into an N*N array.


On Mon, 20 Oct 2008 22:27:50 +0200 Kristofer Munsterhjelm wrote:
Jonathan Lundell wrote:

All of this would be finessed by the National Popular Vote idea: http://www.nationalpopularvote.com/

It'd effectively result in a national FPTP plurality election, hardly ideal, but definitely an improvement.

The Electoral College is, btw, a good example of a case in which an election method has a profound and obvious effect on the nature of the campaign. US presidential candidates have no motivation to campaign in California, New York, Texas, and many other states (they show up for fundraising events, but that's about it). If California is close, Obama has surely lost the election, and similarly Texas and McCain. The states in play vary somewhat over time, but I rather imagine contain a minority of the electorate.

Could the national popular vote lead to a similar effect, only opposite? The candidates would have an incentive to visit the cities, because they could reach many voters in little time; and thus the effect would move from being biased away from cities (in the large states) to being biased towards them.

Better might be a weighted vote (but who'd set the weights?).
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