In Yee/B.Olson Diagrams there is a rough correspondence between certain 
geometric properties of the win regions with certain compliances of the 
method.Convexity is a kind of geometric consistency that corresponds roughly 
with traditional Consistency.  Condorcet methods have this kind of consistency: 
if the ballots are divided into two subsets, and C is the CW of both subsets, 
then C will be the CW of the entire ballot set.Starlike  w.r.t. the candidate 
positions is a kind of monotonicity that corresponds roughly (but not exactly) 
with ballot monotonicity.Candidates squeezed out of their own win regions 
corresponds roughly to pushover vulnerability.In methods, like IRV, that 
proceed by elimination, if there are more than two candidates, at some point 
all but three of the candidates have been eliminated.  So three candidate 
diagrams are totally relevant to these methods.Every triangle of candidates 
except an equilateral triangle suffers from the squeeze effect under IRV for 
sufficiently large standard deviations of the voter distributions.Every obtuse 
triangle of candidates suffers from the non-starlike condition for some 
intermediate range of sigma's.In this regard note that a randomly chosen 
triangle is obtuse (more likely than not).A randomly chosen Yee/B.Olson diagram 
(for IRV) will almost surely have one or more non-convex win regions.These 
remarks give us some idea of the extent of IRV's vulnerability to Pushover, 
IRV's non-compliance with Monotonicity, and IRV's non-compliance with 
Consistency. Remember that these observed pathologies are in an environment 
where compliance is so easy that even  some fairly horrible methods look 
good!If Yee/B.Olson says you're bad, then you're bad.  The converse is not 
true.  If the electoscope does not say you are bad, that doesn't mean you are 
good.Borda doesn't look bad under this electoscope, because Borda complies with 
Consistency and Monotonicity, but Borda is worse than IRV.  Borda is like the 
little boy that is always nice in front of the teacher, but gets mean when the 
teacher is not around.  But at least careful attention to the electoscope shows 
Borda's Clone Loser problem as clones are added to a loser.It is interesting 
that the electoscope is not sensitive enough to reveal  Copeland's Clone Loser 
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