Good Morning, Don

Thank you for taking the time to comment on my outline of Practical Democracy. Among other things, you hypothesized ...

    "A retired worker 75 year old who ... is not interested in
     being the city manager.  He would thus not want the other
     two to vote for him.  By not being selected to advance to
     the second round he has lost his right to vote."

and, from that, projected ...

    "Thus the Triad method violates one of the most fundamental
     principles of democracy."

However, there is no requirement that the citizen seek office. The point is not whether the citizen wishes to be city manager but whether that person wants to influence the selection of the city manager, and, hence, the government. Whether or not this individual wishes to be selected depends, not on the desire for office, but on the desire to influence the selection process.

The focus of a triad, particularly at the lower levels, is less on the person who will occupy an executive or legislative seat than it is on a blend of (1) the ordinances and budget of the community and (2) the person most representative of the views of the group on these topics. The hypothesized 75 year old (who happens to be 5 years my junior) will advance as far as his (or her) desire and ability allow. The decision to accept or reject public office need not be, and, for those interested in influencing the outcome, will not be, made until that decision is imminent.

Rather than violating one of the most fundamental principles of democracy, the Practical Democracy concept enhances that principle in a way, and to an extent, that is not possible in partisan systems: Everyone remains involved in the process for as long as their desire and ability allow.

I will address other aspects of your post as time permits. In the meantime, perhaps you would like to examine this particular point in greater detail.

Fred Gohlke
Election-Methods mailing list - see for list info

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