Dear Chris Benham,

you wrote (14 Aug 2009):

> What I don't understand is the difference between
> "winning votes" (which I'm familiar with) and
> "votes for", as they are both defined on page 13
> of Markus Schulze's paper, pasted below.

Kevin Venzke and Kristofer Munsterhjelm are correct.
What I call "votes for" in my paper is usually
called "pairwise opposition" in this mailing list.

The difference is described at the end of
section 2.2.2:

> So the only difference between the Schulze method
> with "winning votes" and the Schulze method with
> "votes for" (resp. between the Schulze method with
> "losing votes" and the Schulze method with "votes
> against") is that the condition "N[c(i),c(i+1)] >
> N[c(i+1),c(i)] for all i = 1,...,(n-1)" is dropped.

Markus Schulze

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