> From: Chris Benham <cbenha...@yahoo.com.au>
> To: EM <election-methods@lists.electorama.com>
> Rob LeGrand wrote (11 Feb 2010):
> <snip>
> 35:A
> 32:B>C
> 33:C,
> by which I mean
> 35:A>B=C
> 32:B>C>A
> 33:C>A=B.
> In this example, C is the Condorcet winner even though C does not have a
> majority over B.? I can see how this example could be seen as an
> embarrassment to the Condorcet criterion, in that a good method might not
> choose C as the winner.
> <end quoted message>

I agree with Chris (below), If you require every winner to "have a
majority *over*" ever other candidate, then there is no system that
would give you any winners.  Clearly above, C has 65 votes and B only
has 35 votes, at least in scenario #1 above.

Guessing as to what voters really mean, by assuming scenario #2 from
scenario #1 -- you may have read the minds of all those voters who you
believe all think exactly alike in each category, incorrectly.
However, in scenario #2, I think A is the correct winner.

I think election methods enthusiasts too often think they can read
voters' minds and translate votes between between two different
scenarios for voters.


> Rob,
> Well I can't. Electing A would be a violation of the Minmal Defense criterion,
> and electing B would violate Woodall's Plurality criterion and Condorcet 
> Loser.
> What "good method" do you have in mind that might not elect C?
> And what's good about it?
> Chris Benham


Kathy Dopp
Town of Colonie, NY 12304
"One of the best ways to keep any conversation civil is to support the
discussion with true facts."

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Voters Have Reason to Worry

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