First we have to recognise that there is no one voting system called "party 
list proportional representation".  There are probably
as many variants of "party-list PR" as there are countries and jurisdictions 
using such a system for their public elections.
However, these party-list PR voting systems fall into two broad categories: 
"closed-list party-list PR" and "open-list party-list

In both "closed" and "open" versions of party-list systems the order of the 
candidates in each party's list is determined by the
relevant political party.  Different countries have different rules about how 
that is to be done and different parties have
different procedures within those rules for ordering the lists.  Some parties 
exercise very strong centralised control; other
parties are much more democratic and give every member a vote.

In "closed-list" systems the voters can vote only for a party.  Seats are 
allocated to parties by an arithmetic formula, usually
d'Hondt (favours parties with more votes) or Sainte-Laguë (favours parties with 
fewer votes).  Candidates take the seats allocated
to their respective parties strictly in the order in which they are named on 
their parties' lists.

In "open-list" systems the voters can also mark a vote for a candidate but 
usually only for one candidate.  Votes for a candidate
are counted as votes for that candidate's party and seats are allocated to the 
parties by an arithmetic formula, usually d'Hondt or
Sainte-Laguë as in closed-list party-list systems.  When candidates are 
allocated to the seats won by each party, the votes for each
candidate within the relevant party are taken into account (in different ways 
in the various implementations).  Sometimes the
candidates' votes can change the order in which they are allocated to the 
party's seats.

The main objection to party-list voting systems is that they are centred on the 
registered political parties and not on the voters.
(Of course, such systems cannot be used in non-partisan elections.)  The prime 
objective of all party-list voting systems is to
deliver PR of the registered political parties.  Party-list voting systems 
entrench the political power of the political parties
(especially the central party machine) at the expense of the voters.  This is 
most certainly true of "closed-list" party-list voting
systems where the voters have no say in which candidates are elected.  
"Open-list" systems do allow the voters some say in which of
the parties' candidates should be elected, but most such systems do not provide 
proportional representation WITHIN the respective
parties.  In some situations, getting the balance of representation right 
between competing wings WITHIN one party may be as
important as getting the balance of representation right among the parties.

Whether these approaches are acceptable or not is determined by political 
philosophy.  If all you want is PR of the registered
political parties, party-list voting systems will deliver that.  The 
"closed-list" variety will deliver nothing more.  The
"open-list" variety will allow the voters (to varying degrees) some power to 
affect the balance of representation within parties,
but only the most complex of the "open-list" systems will deliver anything 
approaching proportionality of the voters' wishes.

But there are other views  -  that "representation" should be about the voters 
and not just about the registered political parties.
That the "proportional representation" the voting system should delver should 
be PR of the voters' wishes (as expressed by their
preferences among the candidates who offer themselves for election) and not 
just PR of the registered political parties.  There are
historical reasons why different countries have favoured one approach over the 
other, reflecting, and reflected in, differences in
political culture.

James Gilmour
Scotland (where we use 5 different voting systems for public elections, 
including 3 different PR systems, one of which is
closed-list party-list)

> -----Original Message-----
> From: 
> [] On 
> Behalf Of Kathy Dopp
> Sent: Sunday, July 03, 2011 4:50 PM
> To:
> Subject: [EM] What's wrong with the party list system?
> Someone from Europe on this list recently said that they did 
> not like the party list system.  Why not?  Party list seems 
> like a fair, simple system of electing legislators who 
> represent people in approximately the same proportion that 
> they exist in the electorate.  I have not found a 
> better-sounding proportional system yet. So, what's wrong 
> with the party list system?
> -- 
> Kathy Dopp

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