On 7/22/64 2:59 PM, Warren Smith wrote:
Dodgson and Kemeny done right (F.W.Simmons)
---------Warren D. Smith, Sept 2011----------------------

Simmons claims he had posted something called "Dodgson done right"
which gets around the problem that with Dodgson voting it is NP-hard
to find the winner, and supposedly Kemeny has a similar fix.

I failed to find his post, but reading between the lines am attempting
to try to determine what Simmons probably had in mind by reverse
engineering, and/or the fact I had similar thoughts of my own a long
time back.

votes are rank-orderings of the N candidates.
Output ordering: the one such that the smallest total
candidate motion (distance moved, summed over all
candidates on all ballots) is required to convert the input orders
into the output order.
Dodgson, by the way, is not merely NP-hard. It is higher in the polynomial hierarchy and has been shown to be complete for P^NP (parallel access to NP oracles). Probably worse than Kemeny!

-- Andrew

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