sorry. sent from phone and forgot to Cc list.....
--- Begin Message ---
I consider it very bad to have to use a computer at all. Any system that 
requires a computer to be easy to use gets a zero vote from me.

In this system I hope the items I left off the ballot were given a "zero" 
value? The range thing where a no vote was not the same as a zero vote gets a 
zero vote from me. Also, in this system how do I give two or more candidates 
equal ranking? 

----- Original message -----
> matt welland wrote:
> > <cue grumpy old man voice>
> > So I gave the opavote thing (nicely done site BTW) a try and had the
> > same experience I do with every ranked vote system. Choice overload and
> > decision freeze up. I literally hate ranking and I hope to <insert
> > deity of choice> these things don't take over.
> > 
> > Given how many people love the ranked systems I wonder if there is a
> > cultural or age thing at play here, that or I'm just more time starved
> > or dumber than ya'll but ... (I'll say it again) I HATE ranking. 
> Do you think you'd find it more palatable if it consisted of the machine 
> asking you "do you prefer this candidate to that candidate" a bunch of 
> times? It could do so in about n lg n questions, which would be around
> 87.
> Real world elections would probably only involve 5-10 "real chance" 
> candidates, as well, not 20.
> > BTW, my response to complex decision making are not entirely out of the
> > "normal" range:
> > 
> >
> True. The economic system tends to give lots and lots of different 
> choices, too, because to differentiate is a way that a company may 
> extract profit beyond what it would in perfect competition. (The logic 
> behind this is that if the product was so different that there were 
> essentially no other providers of it, then the producer could price as 
> if it were a monopoly, which would give it privilege to set the price as 
> far high as it wanted.)

--- End Message ---
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