Speaking of quoting messages, I have to admit I don't understand how it is even 
supposed to be done under Yahoo. I can indent the message, and I used to be 
able to correctly quote plain text messages. But usually when I try to quote an 
html message I just end up destroying the formatting somehow.
Anyway, to Jameson:
De : Jameson Quinn <jameson.qu...@gmail.com>
À : kathy.d...@gmail.com
Cc : EM <election-methods@lists.electorama.com>
Envoyé le : Dimanche 6 Novembre 2011 20h23
Objet : Re: [EM] Toy election model: 2D IQ (ideology/quality) model

> 3. It is therefore reasonable to hope for a voting system that tends to
>> elect centrists, but slightly less so than a Condorcet system.
>Why would utility be considered more important than centrist?  Or would it?
Utility is the goal, almost tautologically. I mean yeah, there's plenty of ways 
you could criticize the model, or even the idea that the votes have anything at 
all to do with the utility that the voters will gain from a given candidate 
winning; but until someone comes up with something better, for democracy at 
least, utility is the best paradigm we have.

I don't think I agree. Utilities are everpresent in simulations because they 
are a convenient way to represent the priorities of the voters. They can easily 
be generated from distances in space. But, it's not obvious that these 
priorities need to be aggregable (we could use a system where the "addition" of 
different voters' priorities isn't even a straightforward task) and it's not 
obvious that maximizing the aggregation should even be a goal. You don't need 
to do it. I've said before that I prefer to look at sincere Condorcet 
efficiency and strategic incentives. So you don't get one clean number from me, 
sorry. But I think it may be less artificial than aggregated utility.

Furthermore I doubt that aggregate utility is likely to get you anywhere 
unique. Electorates in practice try to get sincere CWs elected. If someone ever 
pointed to a simulation and a scenario and a rule and said, "here is a concrete 
method by which we can favor higher utility candidates over sincere Condorcet 
efficiency" my intuition would be that their tools are underestimating the 
voters. When the sincere CW loses, it represents an error from the standpoint 
of what the electorate was trying to do. I think it would take some genius work 
to capitalize consistently on such errors, and gain more than is lost.

All that said, I would be interested to hear if someone has made an argument 
that majority rule, as a sensible principle, depends on some other more 
fundamental principle.

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