> .... You can't end FPTP without following its logic and that entails the
> sort of activism mastered by FairVote....
> And it's going to get easier to push for electoral reforms in the coming
> year thanks to #OWS ....

#OWS embraces consensus logic, the polar opposite of plurality logic. And
yet it is succeeding in moving the debate in a way that many things which
preceded it did not.

I believe that cautious reformism is as much of a dead-end as dreamy
utopianism. We need to plan to take over the world, because right now the
feasible and the necessary are non-overlapping sets. You don't get where we
need to go without the tough work of solidarity and consensus (including
swallowing your pride); you don't get there by seeing the logic of what
precedes you as an inevitable crutch to the future; and you don't get there
by over-valuing the sunk costs of past activism.

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