Jameson Quinn wrote:

2011/11/29 robert bristow-johnson <r...@audioimagination.com <mailto:r...@audioimagination.com>>

    IRV, with its kabuki dance of transferred votes, is more complicated
    than Condorcet.  when i was asked by one of the leaders in this town
    of the anti-IRV movement to explain Condorcet simply (since that was
    most of their case against IRV - most of their signs said "Keep
    Voting Simple"), i answered "If more voters agree that Candidate A
    is a better choice for office than Candidate B, then Candidate B is
    not elected."  pretty simple and hard to argue with.

This is a good description. However, it still conflicts with most people's mental paradigm for how an election works, and so it seems more complex than it is. Most people think an election is something like this:

1. People vote.
2. Those votes are translated into a score for each candidate.
3. The best score wins.

Plurality, Borda, Majority Judgment, Approval, and Range all fit that paradigm. (That's why people are so prone to reinventing Borda.) Even IRV and SODA can be shoehorned in, though it's a stretch. But Condorcet depends on a matrix, not a list of scores; and that just doesn't fit inside people's heads.

If IRV can be stretched to fit that, then surely the Smith-Approval method we gave to Clinton Mead would also fit. "Rank the candidates in order of how many voters explicitly ranked them on their ballots. Take the two candidates closest to losing, and consider them free of the other candidates' interference: eliminate the one who is preferred to the other less often than the other is preferred to him. Keep eliminating until you have a single winner".

If you want to coat it appropriately, you could probably phrase it in terms of a duel between the losers, a saving chance at being redeemed from elimination, something like that.

Or Minmax: "Each candidate's score is the number of votes he'd get in the second round of a runoff against the rival who'd have the strongest showing against him. The candidate with the greatest score is strongest even at his weakest, so he should win". That one is a little more matrix-y, but it still only implicitly mentions it.

I agree absolutely. That's why I think Range is not nearly as good as Bayesian Regret would lead us to think. So, how much does each system burden voters with the need to strategize, and how much does it punish them for not strategizing?

I wonder if that could be simulated. I seem to recall reading a paper that showed that methods that are monotone can be very easily manipulated when there exists some sort of strategy that can make one of exactly two candidates win. That is, it can find such a strategy in polytime if there is one.

Given such a quick strategy-finding algorithm, one could then let only one side strategize, and see if that would make the method shift the winner. Then one could compare the simulated utility for the candidate that wins under one-sided strategy to the one that wins under no strategy. Good rules would tend to permit only "relatively good" candidates to win through strategy, compared to what you'd get under honesty.

It wouldn't be perfect, of course. The strategy might be very complex to pull of in practice, and it wouldn't cover the cases where there are multiple candidates that can be made to win through strategy.

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