On Fri, May 25, 2012 at 7:06 AM, Jameson Quinn <jameson.qu...@gmail.com>wrote:

> I keep coming back to the basic question of terminology in SODA. If the
> voters delegate their votes, what is the verb for the thing the candidates
> do with those delegated votes? I want to be able to say: "Candidate A is
> first in the XXXXXing order, so she XXXXXs YYYY for candidates B and C."
> YYYY is probably "delegated approvals"; what is XXXX?

How about: "Candidate A is first in the sharing order, so she shares her
delegated votes with candidates B and C." ?

I know we had a discussion in August where we decided to change "share" to
"add approvals to your vote" on the wiki, and I agreed that I liked it
better.  Maybe I'm reconsidering...

I like the word "share" because A passing on votes doesn't diminish her
own.  (Similar to filesharing.)

~ Andy
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