Welcome Jon,

> How would you folks handle primaries that would allow the 40% plus
> Independents to have a say?

I'm an engineer, so I often approach such questions on lines that are
unlike traditional electoral reform.  I describe one possibility here:

That's atypical even for me.  But among all the approaches I would
recommend there is a common theme, which is to enable individuals
(formally independent or not) to have a real vote, and a real say.
Not only the independents are lacking there.

Very best,
Michael Allan

Toronto, +1 416-699-9528

> Ok, so I get that there are a number of better solutions for a general 
> election. My question is about primaries.
> E.g. In CT if I were allowed to vote in primaries, which I am not as an 
> independent, I probably would have voted (Senate) for Brian K Hill (R), Susan 
> B. (D) and Paul P (L). But we now have Linda McMahon and Murphy. I'm not 
> happy. A plutocrat will certainly be elected. 
> How would you folks handle primaries that would allow the 40% plus 
> Independents to have a say?
> Cheers
> Jon  
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