Here's a short post (since I don't have as much time as I would like) with an idea of how to make Sainte-Lague even more like STV. I started thinking about it as part of my thinking that "perhaps pairwise multiwinner methods will always be too complex"; and so I tried to include some Condorcet compliance here as well.

Start with the original Sainte-Lague count. For each party, call the difference between how many voters voted for them, and how many voters they'd need to get the number of seats they currently did, the excess. Then, as in STV, start redistributing the excess. Move a few voters at a time (I don't know how many you can safely move in a batch) from their first preference to their second.

(Note that for parties that got no seats and can get no seats through redistribution, this has the same effect as elimination: their seat count is 0 and so they can get that number of seats with no voters at all.)

Now the question is in what order to redistribute. I can think of three ways. The first is in reverse Condorcet order: you redistribute the voters for Condorcet losers first. The second is from parties with few seats; and the third is whoever has the greatest excess at any point.

The method stops when no more redistribution can be done. This is also a vague idea, but I guess something like "maximal excess is minimal" could work... though I then would have to use more rigorous mathematics to show that the method actually optimizes that.

The point of doing it in reverse Condorcet order would be to reduce to Condorcet in the single seat case. Consider an L>C>R situation with Condorcet social ordering C>L>R and where L gets the initial seat. Then all the R-votes are redistributed to C since R can't win anyway, so L loses its seat. At this point no further redistribution in this direction can alter anything (we can only distribute from L to C, not vice versa), so we'd like to finish there.

The few-seats order of doing it has an intuitive IRVish appeal: small parties are disqualified/redistributed first, then larger ones.

Finally, the "greatest excess at any point" may have some desirabla steady-state properties, and may get closer to optimizing "maximin excess". I am not sure of this, though - it just sounds like something that would. I also think that one would elect C in the example above: R would have greatest excess (all the R-voters since they didn't get anything). Enough R-voters are distributed to C to make C win. Then L has the greatest excess and is redistributed to C as well, and it ends when they all have equal excess.

Could this idea be developed into a method that would be better than ordinary Sainte-Lague, yet also not as complex as my pairwise methods? Perhaps. But I have little time and so don't know yet. I thought I would just let you all know of the idea!

And it probably would not be cloneproof, (weakly) monotone or summable. But I don't know of any method that follows STV's algorithmic template that is.
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