man dwarf_child says:

     These functions return the following values:

     [DW_DLV_OK]        The call succeeded.

     [DW_DLV_ERROR]     The requested operation failed.  Additional informa-
                        tion about the error encountered will be recorded in
                        argument err, if it is not NULL.

     [DW_DLV_NO_ENTRY]  For functions dwarf_child() and dwarf_siblingof(), the
                        descriptor denoted by argument die did not have a
                        child or sibling.  For function dwarf_offdie(), there
was no debugging information entry at the offset spec-
ified by argument offset.

However another possible value seems to be DW_DLE_NO_ENTRY.

I cannot find the definition of DW_DLE_NO_ENTRY:
find /home/dsw/elftoolchain-0.6.1 -type f -print0 | xargs -0 grep -nH DW_DLE_NO\
_ENTRY | grep define
Compilation exited abnormally with code 1 at Tue Dec 16 15:42:14

A similar search fails to find it as a value in an enum.

I am actually getting this return value, so this is a real point.


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