On Mon, Jul 06, 2009 at 01:55:15PM -0500, Kumar Appaiah wrote:
> Dear Elinks Users,
> In the page at <URL:http://blonnet.com>, several links on the left
> navigation panel don't seem to appear as links. For example, all the
> links before "Front Page" seem to not get linked. This is even though
> the HTML code for the hyperlinks seems to be identical. I was
> wondering whether it is due to the badly formed HTML, or Elinks is
> really missing spotting those links due to a bug.

I figured that switching the tags, which look like <a href=...><li>...</li></a> 
<li><a href=...>...</a></li> helped. So, some lua scripting is in
order to fix things for now...


Kumar Appaiah

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