This is a very interesting proposal!

I really like the flexibility of `is` and `is_any`. I think that
def something_magical(x) when is_any(x, [:integer, :float, :list, :map]) do
reads a whole lot better than
def something_magical(x) when is_integer(x) or is_float(x) or is_list(x) or 
is_map(x) do

That being said, I think you're taking it a little too far with 
specifications like {:list, 1} that check if something is a list having 
length one. I think that it is clearer to keep these separated. The same 
goes for the comparison ones like  `{:<=, term}`. Just using `x <=  term` 
in the guard clause seems clearer.

I like the non-tuple kinds in the 'basic and built-in types' list. I think 
that things like 'odd', 'even', comparisons and most of the convenience 
ones are better to be written in their normal longer form.

Finally, when I started reading your post, I expected the kinds to be the 
module names of the built-in Elixir types that are also used when you want 
to implement a protocol for a built-in type, like Integer, Float, PID, 
Tuple, etc.
Of course, when I looked at the documentation, I found out that the reason 
you didn't was to match @specs more closely, and because there are things 
like `:zero_or_neg_float` for which there isn't a clear module name.

I think that something like
is_any(x, [List, Map, Tuple])
would be a really interesting and readable guard syntax.

On Thursday, August 11, 2016 at 5:31:12 PM UTC+2, eksperimental wrote:
> Hi everyone in this list, 
> I hope it has a good reception among the community, since it has the 
> potential to change the way we write functions guards in a very positive 
> and more natural way. 
> Guards clauses are a key feature in Elixir. Researching 
> how to make it easier for developers to define guards, has led me to 
> two enhancement proposal. This is the first one, which will allow 
> developers to write guards, guard safe macros and other clauses in a 
> more natural and succinct way. 
> All the following macros are allowed in guards: 
> - `is_kind(term, kind)` determines if a given `term` is of a certain 
>   `kind`. 
> - `term is kinds` determines if `term` is each kind in `kinds`. 
> - `term is_not kinds` determines if `term` is not of any of the `kinds`. 
> - `term is_any kinds` determines if `term` is of any of the `kinds`. 
> - `terms are kinds` determines if every term in list `terms` is of 
>   every kind in `kinds`. 
> - `terms are_not kinds` determines if every item in list `terms` is not 
>   of `kind`. 
> - `terms are_any kinds` determines if every term in list `terms` is not 
>   of any of the `kinds`. 
> Allowing us to write functions guards as regular code, that otherwise 
> it would take a really long lines of code: 
>   def check(letter) when letter is :char, do: true 
>   iex> [100, 200] are [:even, {:>=, 100}] 
>   true 
> write expressions in a more natural way: 
>   iex> term is_not nil 
> as opposed to 
>   iex> not is_nil(term) 
> For a list of all supported kinds, see the list: 
> Here's the proposal: 
> and here the its full implementation: 
> Looking forwards to hear your opinions 

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