That sounds weird.

On Wednesday, 20 December 2017 10:51:29 UTC+1, Milad Rastian wrote:
> I've noticed in Elixir 1.5 we don't autocomplete functions that have @doc 
> false.
> For example if I create a module like this
> defmodule MyApp.Accounts.User do
>   use Ecto.Schema
>   import Ecto.Changeset
>   alias MyApp.Accounts.User
>   schema "users" do
>     field :age, :integer
>     field :name, :string
>     timestamps()
>   end
>   @doc false
>   def changeset(%User{} = user, attrs) do
>     user
>     |> cast(attrs, [:name, :age])
>     |> validate_required([:name, :age])
>   end
> end
> And now if I try to use it in iex, I won't get autocompletion suggestion 
> for changeset function.
> iex(1)> MyApp.Accounts.User.<with pressing TAB, iex doesn't suggest 
> changeset>
> I believe this behavior is changed since this PR 
> In terms of user experience is a bit unexpected that in the above example 
> I have a public function changeset and I can't get suggestion it in IEx. I 
> use IEx regularly when I want to check something quickly and it happened to 
> me few times so far and I was really confused why I can't get suggestion 
> for my public function.
> Looking forwards to hear your opinions

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