Ok so this is just an idea and it might be ignorant:

What is `iex` had a `—debug` option that could be:

1) called with no value and by default elixir would find all `debugger` 
statements in your code, strip them out and set breakpoints on them. Maybe 
`debugger(3)` would skip 3 times

2) allow `—debug=file.ex:45` to set a breakpoint

3) maybe also a `—gui` option too?

The reason is, I write tests to debug things. I write a test that reproduces a 
problem and then I get the test to pass. Then it’ll never regress. But I’m 
stuck with IO.inspect and IEx.pry because Its not obvious how to use the step 
debugger when starting with `iex -S mix test`

Iex.pry is fine for stopping and looking around and trying things in context, 
so we’re half way there, but being able to just as easily step through code so 
i dont have to litter io.inspect everywhere would be so awesome.

One of the main reasons I’d love this is that while it requires me to edit my 
source, putting debugger where i want to stop is sooooooooo much easier than 
the setup work currently required (type file and line number or entire module 
and function name) 

A debugger statement is so super easy to remember and use and people are 
familiar with it from ruby and javascript. It is the number one thing by far I 
miss from Ruby.

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