I agree that in general this is not something that should be defined in the 
language core or the standard lib.
However, configuration (application env) is already managed by elixir, and 
this pattern to access system env var is a widely used by the libraries, so 
this might appear confusing for someone, that they set {:system, var} and 
it doesn't magically get resolved as it does with many libraries. :)
Also, there's only one case when it really breaks, — when someone really 
wants to return {:system, something} on Application.get_env call, as you 
have pointed out. But why would they?

Thanks, I'll take a closer look at Confex it seems to be doing exactly what 
I want. Even though there's a bit more of a boilerplate.

On Monday, August 6, 2018 at 1:55:30 PM UTC-7, OvermindDL1 wrote:
> But what if I want to read it from a data store, or the database, or a 
> variety of other places.
> A whole configuration handling overhaul has been discussed on the forums 
> not long ago:
> https://elixirforum.com/t/proposal-moving-towards-discoverable-config-files/14302
> For now, https://hex.pm/packages/confex is a decent'ish shim that works 
> well enough for build-time configurations though.  :-)
> But overall, things like that seem more suited for a configuration library 
> (that should be included in Elixir once it is sufficiently generic enough 
> and staged enough), though environment variables are common for the 
> configs, that doesn't mean that someone really doesn't just want `{:system, 
> var}` returned straight though, as can be the case..
> :-)
> On Monday, August 6, 2018 at 1:15:08 PM UTC-6, Ivan Yurov wrote:
>> While playing with deployment I found out that some libraries provide 
>> this feature that you can put {:system, var} in configuration and then it's 
>> resolved at runtime. However if it's in my code, I'd have to implement it 
>> on my own. Wouldn't it be nice if it was supported by Application module by 
>> default? Something like:
>> def get_env(app, key, default \\ nil) do
>>   case :application.get_env(app, key, default) do
>>     {:system, var} ->
>>       System.get_env(var) || default
>>     rest ->
>>       rest
>>   end
>> end
>> Would it make sense?

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